
全景签约摄影师,国家地理供稿人,常驻德国,Getty Images 摄影师。独行背包客,登山者,行过七大洲,六十多国家,看过南极白雪皑皑的冰川,浮潜在亿万年地质加拉帕戈斯群岛,流浪过南美大陆,穿行非洲丛林拍摄野生动物, 登顶乞力马扎罗山5895米高。生命很短,活的更用力些。
图片购买:quanjing.com 摄影师编号 PH2700

我的猫霸占了我的沙发。我只好坐地板。他是一只被妈妈遗弃的猫。找到他时大概出生十天,奄奄一息。喂牛奶喂活了。一直以为是她,买了所有粉红色的衣服窝。结果送去做绝育手术时告知是男的!从此一直觉得有点难以直视他!My cat is taking over my couch and I have to sit on the floor. He was abandoned by his mom when he was a little kitty about 10 days old and I found him, fed him with milk. Always thought he was a girl so bought everything or him in pink until I sent him to the vet for birth control surgery and the vet told me it's a boy. Ever after I got some hard time looking into his eyes and admit I was so wrong!

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